Andrew's Blog

Life, travel, history...

Vacation: Day 1 Orlando, Florida

Orlando, Florida is home to 3 main theme parks: Disney World, Seaworld, and Universal Studios. You can spend weeks visiting each park which have activities for everyone young and old. There are also lots of things to do out side of the parks, one of them being Fantasy of Flight which houses one of the largest collections of early period and WWII airplanes.

The plane to the left is a Mustang in the colors of the Tuskegee Airmen who were a squadron of african-americans who overcame racial discrimination in the Army Air Corps and became sought after by bomber groups for fighter cover as they flew bombing missions over Germany in WWII. The Tuskegee Airmen never left the bombers to pursue enemy planes which tended to expose the bombers to other enemy aircraft in the area, but stayed with them to fight off the enemy.

Some more planes:

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After seeing all these planes, we headed to eat all you can eat LOBSTER!

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