Andrew's Blog

Life, travel, history...

Vacation: San Francisco

Summer is the best! San Francisco gave us a nice west coast welcome with a nice warm sunny day to go out and visit the famous Golden Gate Bridge. It is a very impressive structure, but being from Sydney, we really do have a better harbor and nicer views...
This is a shot down the side of the Sydney Harbour Bridge...

San Fran China Town...typical shops with lots of dried herbs, mushrooms, noodle shops, dim sum, and lots and lots of Chinese people!

You have to know where the good dim sum places are. We tried two that we just came across and they were pretty average. We had better in Michigan!

Down the street from Fisherman's Wharf is a big Ghirardelli store where you can sit down and have coffee, chocolate shakes, ice cream, and all the choclate in the world. They have vats of chocolate churning over continuously.

No visit to San Francisco is complete with out a visit to the crookedest street in the world: Lombard Street.
And so it came to a end...our vacation in San Francisco...