Andrew's Blog

Life, travel, history...

Midland Life: First Flight

We flew to Ann Arbor for lunch. Here are some shots from the air.

We arrived safely and took some shots next to the plane.

The flight took an hour to get there and then slightly longer to get back. All in it was a good flight.

Vacation: Day 3 Orlando, Florida

Now for the mail attraction...Disney World!

We thought the Epcot Center would be interesting, but we were a bit disappointed because it was the oldest park and looked it. They had a new attraction around Finding Nemo, but apart from that, we would have been better of going to one of the newer parks. We did have a good time nonetheless.

Entrance to the park.

Dolphin exhibit in the Finding Nemo attraction.

See the dolphin swim!

GM ride and Caroline in a Hummer.

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The lake around which the World Showcase was built with restaurants and shops in country themes.

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Steven Curtis Chapman was there too singing Christmas carols. You can't see him from these shots, but I guarantee it was him :)

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Vacation: Day 2 Orlando, Florida

On Day 2, we went to Universal Studios, went on some rides and enjoyed the sun.

Almost lost my glasses and hat on this ride...

Dr.Seuss Land

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Watched a mini version of the Macy's Parade.

Watch the sun go down at "Fisherman's Wharf"

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Vacation: Day 1 Orlando, Florida

Orlando, Florida is home to 3 main theme parks: Disney World, Seaworld, and Universal Studios. You can spend weeks visiting each park which have activities for everyone young and old. There are also lots of things to do out side of the parks, one of them being Fantasy of Flight which houses one of the largest collections of early period and WWII airplanes.

The plane to the left is a Mustang in the colors of the Tuskegee Airmen who were a squadron of african-americans who overcame racial discrimination in the Army Air Corps and became sought after by bomber groups for fighter cover as they flew bombing missions over Germany in WWII. The Tuskegee Airmen never left the bombers to pursue enemy planes which tended to expose the bombers to other enemy aircraft in the area, but stayed with them to fight off the enemy.

Some more planes:

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After seeing all these planes, we headed to eat all you can eat LOBSTER!

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Midland Life : I am a Private Pilot!

As of Saturday November 4, 2006 I gained my Private Pilot's license! Here is a photo of me with the examiner, Bob, and my certificate.

I flew an hour north at 9 am in the morning to Traverse City in fairly good conditions - no snow, good visibility and light winds.

The first thing that you do on your check ride is go through the aircraft log books and equipment requirements. This is the start of the oral test where the examiner asks you questions about the plane, pilot limitations, weather limitations, map interpretation, and various situations.

If you pass that section, then you get into the plane for the practical part of the test. Here you show you skills in taking off, landing, navigation, stalls, turns and emergency procedures.

I got through the first part of the test with no problem, but the weather had deteriorated over that hour - snow was starting to fall. We checked the visibility and ceilings and could still fly, so we went up and started on the cross country part of the test. After about 10 minutes flying south, the visibility started to fall and we turned back to airport and did some take off and landings. After that we headed to the north and did turns around a point, s-turns, stalls, emergency procedures, and instrument only maneuvers.

Finally after an hour of flying we turned back to the airport and I was given my license! The next problem was getting back home. Visibility had dropped south of Traverse City and snow was falling. The forecast had it clearing up in two hours, so I went to the mall, make some calls home, and had lunch. Sure enough by 3pm it was looking good and I jumped in the plane, gave my thanks to Bob and flew home to celebrate.

Midland Life : Midland in Autumn

Here are some photos from the air of Midland Mall and Midland Evangelical Church that we attend. I took them at 1,800 feet in the Cessna 172 I fly based at Midland Barstow Airport. You can see the edge of runway 24 in the top left corner of the first picture.

This the Dow chemical plant south of the mall and the fall colors.