Andrew's Blog

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Quick Thought: Corby Case

Had a quick thought on the Corby case and the recent arrest of the 9 (stupid) Australians who got caught in Indonesia drug smuggling even with all the publicity surrounding the Corby case.

The Australian government is pretty smart in letting the Indonesian arrest those caught smuggling heroin last week. They knew that Corby was going to get at least life imprisonment and there was talk about negotiating with the Indonesian's about letting her serve her sentence in Australia.

With another 9 people who could also face the same sentence, it gives the Australian government the ability to bargain more with the Indonesian in allowing ALL of them to serve there punishment in Australia. Their aim ultimately being to get Corby back to Australian soil as there is a lot of doubt as to whether she knowingly carried the drugs whereas for the 9 it is pretty clear that they are involved in drug smuggling (whether they did it willingly or not is in questions, but will be revealed as more information comes about).

"Corby and Bali nine could be sent home"


Anonymous said...

I do not think that you can have such a harsh opinion about the Bali nine at this point as they were motivated by different reasons. From our point of view it might have been a stupid activity to participate in - but there are some people who do not read the newspaper, watch TV etc as they live in a different world.
I cannot work out why the AFP dobbed them in when they know that the court system in Indonesia is different. In yesterday's Sunherald, there is account of how the Indonesians followed the groups activity from the time they set foot in Indonesia, booking hotel rooms next door to them in the different hotels etc.
It all does not make sense.
Nor does the Corby Case - Australia has failed to support her and any evidence that could help has been wiped like video activity at the airport etc.
They say why would she take drugs overthere when they could be sold here for a greater price.
What would you do it you were in a similar situation, try to explain yourself in a hostile environment where you do not understand the culture and where do you start to try and get help let along legal help and when you are being tried in a system when you do not even understand the language?
That is my two bob's worth.
The message is - do not go to countries that have the death penalty or do not speak English.
They say in the US, do not lock your bags as they will smash the lock. Now if you do not lock your bag people can slip things in and bad luck if you are caught with something illegal -?