Andrew's Blog

Life, travel, history...

Midland Life: Bi-Annual Airport Pancake B'Fast

This morning we went to our local airport - Barstow - where they held a pancake breakfast. They hold this type of event between May and September of each year where local folks can come and see the different types of airplanes people own around the state. Other local airports hold similar events throughout the spring and summer months and send around a general invitation. Such events also supports the local economy and the airport.

Caroline in front of a BT-13A old military trainer built between 1940 - 44. Not sure what type of plane this next one is.Posted by Picasa

Experimental Water Plane Posted by Picasa Red Acrobatic Plane Posted by Picasa

There are different types of planes. The "experimental" type are commonly home built planes using various types of technologies and materials the design of which, as a package, has not been approved for commercial sale or mass production.

There was also a balloon festival held this weekend involving around 40 hot air balloons, but we were still sleeping when they all took of at sorry no pictures, but they say that it was a great sight to see.

Vacation: Canada Pt 2 Quebec City

We drove 2 hours north of Montreal to Quebec City situated on cliffs above the St Lawrence river. Here the French defended themselves against the British in 1759, but lost when the British General James Wolfe scaled the cliffs to surprise the French troops situated near by.

Canon's facing the St Laurence River. A real canon ball lodged in the tree for hundreds of years! Posted by Picasa

Me and a canon. The Citadelle which houses the Royal 22nd Candian RegimentPosted by Picasa

While more French speaking than Montreal, the people in Quebec City were just as friendly and willing to speak English.

Vacation: Canada Pt 1 Montreal

Montreal is the new playground of the well to do in Canada since recovering from almost economic collapse in the 90s. Since then they have revived the old city by redeveloping the port, turning old buildings into new boutique hotels and a flurry of restaurants. St Catherine Road at the foot of Mount Royale is the 5th Avenue of Montreal and is as busy as Times Square.

Fast cars & boats are part of the culture of Montreal Posted by Picasa

Notre Dame Church in the old city. Posted by Picasa

A whole street of great restaurants and excellent food! Posted by Picasa