Andrew's Blog

Life, travel, history...

Midland Life: Balloons

During the summer, hot air ballons take off around Midland. Michigan is good for ballooning because the area is flat and there are plenty of places to land. Looks pretty fun.

Stuff: Maps!

Check out these aerial views of places:
  • Our Midland Home
    Our place is the second house to the left of the marker with the grey roof.

  • Dow Headquarters
    I work in the building right in the middle of the page.

  • Sydney Home
    The road through the middle of the page angling towards the left of the page is Blaxland Road. Perpenicular to that is Lovell Road that leads down to the round about. Our place is a little bit down from that intersection.

  • Macquarie University

  • Barstow Airport
  • Midland Life: Cherry Picking @ Traverse City

    Saturday we headed north to Traverse City with another family for the day to get out of town for the 4th July Independence Day weekend. It is a 2 hour drive north-west of Midland along the highway that takes us through small towns and farmland. There are even buffalo farms along the way where you can see herds grazing.

    Michigan produces 75% of the tart cherry crop each year (or 250 million pounds/114 million kg) and given a mature tree can produce 100 pounds a season, there are at least 2.5 million trees in Michigan alone. Sweet cherries come from Washington, Oregon and California and in total 650 million pounds of sweet and tart are grown every year.

    Traverse City cherry picking Posted by Picasa Tart Cherries-Red and Pink Cheeks Posted by Picasa

    We ended up picking 7 pounds (3kg) of cherries, so will have a good supply for the coming week :).